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Overwhelming response for BWF Level 1 Coaching Course in Brunei

May 15th, 2018

Sixteen participants - 11 from host Brunei and five from Malaysia attended a six-day BWF Level 1 Coaching Course held at the Multi-Purpose Hall, Hasanal Bolkiah National Sports  Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan from May 7-12.

Those from the oil-rich Sultanate came from Brunei Government Departments, the Royal Brunei Police Force and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

The Malaysian participants were two each from Miri (Sarawak) and Labuan and one from Beaufort (Sabah).

The course was held jointly by the Brunei National Badminton Association (BNBA); the Department of Co-Curriculum Education and the Department of Youth and Sports.

The two tutors who conducted the course were Mr Muhammad Andy Ardiansyah (Development Executive of Badminton Asia) and Mohd Zuno Kartono Bin Haji Ali ( Assistant Secretary-General of BNBA.

Andy said the Badminton Asia's main purpose of holding the course is to develop badminton in Brunei through the coaching education course and to have more coaches in basic level to gain an understanding on how to teach basics and the foundation in badminton.

"This will significantly aid students to be good players as they will be well equipped with good skills and footwork," said Andy.

The first two days of the course covered the theory and practical aspects followed by three days of practical sessions with each coach tasked to provide a lesson or micro-teaching to other coaches who acted as players in a visualisation scenario.

In short, the course contained three essential components, namely the role and responsibility as a coach, what to coach and how to coach.

The course was divided into two sessions each day. The morning session was held from 8.00am to 12 pm while the afternoon session was from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. 

The participants from Brunei were from:
- Temburong District - 1 coach
- Tutong District - 2 coaches
- Belait District - 2 coaches
- Brunei-Muara - 6 coaches

"This programme is really important for us.

We want to have more coaches to understand the basic techniques in badminton as it is the key for the kids and young players to develop their game.

"I am very happy this time we had participants from different districts in Brunei which is good for the development of the sport in the country," said Mohd Zuno.

Each of the participants in the course received a certificate of attendance from the Brunei National Badminton Association.

Haji Antin Ahad, the president of the Brunei National Badminton Association, attended the closing ceremony and presented the certificate of attendance to the participants.

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